Category Archives: comics

DC Nation Shorts Preview with Amethyst!

I have to say, as an Amethyst fan I am more jazzed about the animated shorts than I am about the upcoming comic book reboot after seeing the few seconds of footage that come at the end of this video:

Edited to add sequence of screenshots:

Looks like some flying with a baby dragon/lizard!

Topaz appears as a skeleton?!

But now that he’s back, he can flex his muscles! I have to say this really does capture the general feel of comic book Prince Topaz, he was such a dope – I say that with affection.

Creepy monster!

Fighting! Amethyst!

Running up stairs!

Fighting Dark Opal!

Sword + Heart = Magical Girl Transformation sequence!

More Amethyst Coverage on Robot6

Christy Marx discusses Amethyst over on Robot 6, more details about the upcoming series.

Quick reaction: I have to say I am disappointed that the original series is referred to as having a “girly” and “princessy” art style. Ernie Colon’s art was actually very sophisticated considering the time the series came out and I always thought that the general style of the book blended the surreal and fantastic in an interesting way. The varied architecture of the houses of the Gemworld never struck me as overly princessy at all. Sure, there was the occasional girly element of necklaces and flying unicorns, but the art never struck me as overly girly.

Dark Opal being Bad

One of the reasons why it is a bit of a shame that the original Amethyst isn’t being rereleased in color is that the coloring was often used to bring out the otherworldly aspects of the Gemworld:

Amethyst and Topaz

Amethyst Princess of Gemworld Reboot Blog Reaction Round-up

Amethyst, Princess Of Homogeneity – “I’m sure a number of people are looking at this move by DC and saying, “A strong female lead! That’s awesome!” But it’s not. Not really. The character is just as Aryan as Captain America. It’s Barbie in a purple Wonder Woman costume. With backup stories featuring another white male hero, Beowulf.”

The Return of Amethyst (but probably not for long) – “My first impression? The comic’s title sucks. A good title is the first key to success. I get that DC is trying to revive their old, old titles (and probably keep their copyrights), but this title alone will drive it into cancellation. Example: the first Sword and Sorcery from 1973 only lasted five issues.”

What’s new with the New New New 52 books? – “In the plus column, this book may just be different enough from the rest of the line to stand out and attract readers who aren’t interested in the rest of the DCU (and/or DC readers who want something different than they get in the other 51-55 books), and since it does take a chance on a new writer instead of someone from the same old talent pool, who knows what will happen?”

DC Renumbers Again in September, Launches Four New Series – “It’d be hard for any issue to be as surprising as discovering that Christy Marx, veteran comic, cartoon and video game writer (and creator of Jem and The Holograms) is writing a reboot of 1980s YA fantasy title Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld for one of DC’s four new September titles, however.”

Amethyst is back — and the rest of the new DC lineups – “Hm. Older. But not “legal”. And she’s wearing pants. So…promising.”

Amethyst Reboot News

I’m assuming that DC comics was trying to make today the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER for this Amethyst fan, as the news broke that Amethyst was getting a new series written by Christy Marx, the creator of Jem and the Holograms.

Here’s the interview on i09

Look at that cover!

I think it is wonderful that in her new costume Amethyst has some pants. It always struck me as a bit impractical that she was running around swinging a sword, riding a flying unicorn, and doing magic in a sometimes skimpy miniskirt.

I’m happy that Amethyst is getting a new series, and the reboot sounds like it will differentiate itself from the original series created by Dan Mishkin, Gary Cohn and Ernie Colón in several ways.

Here’s the issue summary from DC Comics:

SWORD OF SORCERY – Writer: Christy Marx. Artist: Aaron Lopresti

Featuring the return of Amethyst, Amy Winston leads a strange life on the road with her mother and resents it. She’s about to learn it’s all been necessary when she discovers she’s the lost princess of Gemworld—and she’s being hunted by her murderous aunt. With a back-up story written by Tony Bedard with art by Jesus Saiz, set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, the monstrous warrior Beowulf is charged with finding and defeating the evil Grendel.

In the new series it sounds like Amy Winston is much older, 17 as opposed to 13 in the original series. With Amethyst’s dramatic shifts in age as she traveled between Earth and the Gemworld, the series really did touch on themes relating to adolescence and change. Amy’s young mental age made the possibility of romance on Gemworld really problematic, as in her relationship with Prince Topaz when he realized that Amy really was a 13 year old girl.

So I’m interested to see if an older Amy results in some romance in the new series. Another difference comes in the description of Amy’s family life and the villain for the series. New Amethyst’s murderous aunt probably means no Black Opal, at least not to start out with. Christy’s comments about Gemworld’s magic system and illustration style are interesting, it will be nice to see how that all fits together when the issue hits the stands. September is so far away!

This is all very promising. I’m happy that DC Comics got a writer on the project with a strong resume of girl-centric work. I’m hoping that this reboot means a genuine fresh start for the character, because Amethyst’s appearances in the DC Universe in Flashpoint and the Weirdoverse in the 1990s left much to be desired.

I was hoping that Amethyst might return in a new series. I hope that everyone who checks out the new series also picks up the Showcase Presents: Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld Volume to experience the original. I still think it is worthwhile to pick up a few of the back issues of the original series too, because the coloring of the book really gave it a great fantasy feel.

Amethyst available for pre-ordering on Amazon

Just in case you were planning on ordering a copy or three, the Showcase Presents: Amethyst Princess of Gemworld volume is now available on Amazon!

I have to admit, I got excited when I saw the listing since I’ve been pining for a collected edition of Amethyst for so many years. I do wish someone would improve the description of the book:

Princess Amethyst, sole survivor of the House of Opal, was whisked away from Gemworld after her family was wiped out by the evil Dark Opal. After being raised to age thirteen on Earth, she was attacked by Dark Opal, who had tracked her to her adoptive home at last. But his attack served to awaken her dormant magical powers. She then returned to Gemworld to claim her rightful place and protect those in need.

Because that is inaccurate as well as not very compelling. Where’s the love triangle? Where’s the crazy body switching stuff between Gemworld and Earth? Why not mention all the cute but fickle princes who are running around?

Also, while it is nice that writers/creators of Amethyst are credited:

Writers Dan Mishkin and Gary Cohn created the series AMETHYST, PRINCESS OF GEMWORLD for DC Comics, as well as the stuntman turned super-hero BLUE DEVIL and the 1980s horror series “I, Vampire.”

It would have been good to mention Ernie Colón’s art, because the distinctive look he brought to the series really elevated it into something special.

Some Amethyst Links

I thought I’d point people in the direction of some of my Amethyst content!

Here’s an index of my Amethyst recaps. I have images and recaps up for the first two Amethyst series. Many of the images on my site got blown away in a wordpress upgrade, so some of my other Amethyst posts are temporarily lacking images.

I run the Gemworld Tumblr, if you want tiny bits of Amethyst.

One of the highlights of my Amethyst blogging career was when Gary Cohn and Dan Mishkin let me interview them! I hope that the new showcase edition creates a new audience for their work, and a new appreciation for Ernie Colon’s remarkable art.