2010 Year in Reading

So this year after tallying up my reading list posts, it looks like I read around 59 books and 215 manga. This is fewer books and manga than last year, but not off enough to make me worry about it all that much. I figure if I am reading over 52 books a year, that’s a pretty good pace even if the books I’m choosing are fairly easy to read.

In books, this seemed to be the year of addictive trilogies and series because I read through the Millennium Trilogy and the Hunger Games trilogy at a brisk pace. I finally tackled Megan Whalen Turner’s Queen’s Thief series after hearing so many positive things about it. I haven’t switched over to e-book format only for books mostly because since my twins like to play with the iPad so much, I don’t want to have my access restricted to what I want to read if a three-year-old is intently playing Sushi Cat. But I read all of the Millennium Trilogy on the iPad Kindle app, as well as a few romance novels that I might have otherwise purchased as mass market paperbacks.

In the manga and graphic novels category it seemed like last year was a good year for fluffy shoujo, with Alice in the Country of Hearts showing unexpected depth for a dating sim adaptation and the debut of Dengeki Daisy. There was great josei with the publication of Bunny Drop and All My Darling Daughters. Towards the end of 2010 I was happy to discover the shonen title Cross Game, and the second volume of the series was a great way to kick off the new year.