reading year in review

One of my New Year’s resolutions last year was to track what I read. I did a pretty good job, although I don’t think I remembered to write down absolutely everything that I read. I listed both manga/graphic novels and books. Here’s a textfile, if you are insanely curious about my reading habits. By my semi-imprecise counting, I think I read 51 books in 2004, and a whopping 99 manga and graphic novels.

I think one of the books that I most enjoyed was The Time Traveler’s Wife. For sci-fi/fantasy fun, I liked reading Jacqueline Carey’s Kushiel series and Sharon Shinn’s Archangel series. My favorite manga series that I read this past year are Basara and Hot Gimmick. I’m going to miss not having any more books to read by Larry Brown.

I think that for this coming year, I need to slow down my book buying habits and take advantage of the library more. I read plenty of fun chicklit/brain candy books, which is fine, but I’m also going to try to read more literary fiction.