One of the tidbits that I was interested to read that came out of the recent NYCC conference was the fact that Yen Press is going to adapt Gail Carriger’s Parasol Protectorate novels into manga. This should not be especially surprising, because Carriger is published by Orbit books, which is a division of Hachette and Yen Press is yet another imprint in the same group. I thought it was odd that the press release that Yen Press put out referred to the books as young adult novels, when I’ve only ever seen them shelved in the mass market paperback section of the adult science fiction section in any bookstore. The books resemble standard romance novels (wittier than most) that have been mashed up with plenty of steampunk and supernatural beings. Alexia is for the most part a spunky and independent heroine. I’m sure that there’s plenty of YA appeal in the books, but there aren’t really any teen characters in the series. I’m in the middle of the third book Blameless, which features a plot twist so predictable I am sometimes feeling like I’m reading a Harlequin novel from the 1980s. I’m still looking forward to the manga versions of these books if Yen Press manages to hire an actual letterer to work on the project. I have not read the Twilight adaptations because I was horrified by the art sample I saw, and I’m a bit twilighted out in any case. I am very curious how someone would visually portray the hideous hats of Ivy, Alexia’s best friend.