Yarn acquisition

I have generally slowed down on yarn shopping because I have so much, but I’ve bought a little bit recently.

I got some more Woolmeise! I got 3 regular skeins and one of the more squishy MCN-like skeins. This is now dangerous because now I feel the urge to collect more Wollmeise in a different base.


I also got a kit from Marianated yarns that I had ordered back when I was on knitting retreat. This is going to be a blue and grey Spice Market.


I am trying to keep myself from casting on for any new projects, because I just had to rip out part of Walk on the Moon again, and I’m at the section of the project where there are too many stitches on the needles and it is getting tedious. But since I am currently working on a hat, shawl, and socks, I think no new projects for now is a better path to follow.