Random drive-by blogging knitting updates! This is all stuff that I’ve been working on/doing for the past several months.
I started a new project – Walk on the Moon. I’m using three colors of Wollmeise that were in my stash – greyish pink, pink, and lapis lazuli. This is the teeny tiny bit of it that I’ve finished so far, I haven’t yet reached the stage where the third color comes in yet.
My husband was making a reference to my yarn buying habits, which inspired me to look up the last time I bought any Wollmeise, and I was shocked to find out that I hadn’t bought any for around 3 years, so I obviously needed to buy some more.
I was happy to find some Fledermaus and Mond im 7 Haus available – those were some colors I’d been wanting for a long time. I also threw in a grey skein, just because who doesn’t need more grey yarn?
I also finished my Joker and the Thief, this is a picture of it looking somewhat crumpled.
I really like it! I picked up some Marinated Yarn at knitting retreat last fall for this project. This makes me think that I need another set, maybe for an On the Spice Market? There’s something refreshingly simple about just buying a kit to make a pattern that you like. I enjoy knitting when I don’t have to ponder too deeply about color choices and get all stressed out about accidentally making something hideous.
Oh! I was wanting a small set of ChiaoGoo interchangeable needles, because I got a couple of the fixed circular needles and I really liked the twist cords used for these needles of coated steel cable. They are so nice to work with. I got a small set as a birthday gift, so now I have an almost ridiculous amount of interchangeable needles.