Cowls and some things that are not cowls

I made another cowl! This was for my Stitch and Bitch group’s annual party and swap.

It is the Irisa Cowl, out of some Fleece Artist yarn I got from Margene when she was destashing!


I was super lucky and got some grey mitts that Cheryl knit:


I have been wanting to make some grey mitts for myself, and now I don’t have to! I only wish it was cold enough in Utah that I could actually wear them!

I finished the other cowl I was working on, which does look a little blobby since the yarn is so dark. It doesn’t photograph well.


This is my third time making the Mira’s Cowl pattern, and I am probably ready to move on from it! It is super great tv knitting though! It is a very flexible simple pattern that also works well with different weights of yarn if you vary how many stitches you cast on accordingly.

I cast on for another Clockwork! Pictures soon.