Super Mega Update Knitting Post

I keep meaning to document more of my knitting and I always end up forgetting to take pictures and update Ravelry. Here’s a summary of some of my recent knitting projects.

Big Boy Blankets – I made my kids some baby blankets out of some “superwash” wool that ended up felting so much I threw one away and have one nice felted wool bathmat. So I made them some new blankets, out of some acrylic/wool blend yarn that will hopefully not have the felting issue:


And here is the other one:


I can’t get a full shot of these as I don’t feel like standing on a chair. They aren’t super-big, definitely enough for a throw for a five year old but too small to actually use as a bedspread on a twin size bed. I could have made them larger, but the people I was making them for requested that I stop because they wanted their blankets done 🙂

I made a hat! Margene gifted me with the nice yarn (which I think was a nifty manos silk/wool blend) in a destash! This was the free Mairead hat pattern and it was quick and fun to knit.


Some projects in progress:

I’m going to finally be done with my Color Affection fairly soon.


This is made with some of the Wollmeise from my stash, it is always nice to find a great pattern to highlight some lovely yarn.

And because Cheryl spent some time contemplating and discussing Entrelac before making this scarf, I started thinking about another Entrelac project too.


I have 3 skeins of this semi-crazy Koigu colorway, and am going to slowly stripe in some slightly more subtle Koigu once I get beyond the halfway point. We’ll see how that turns out. This is my lighter-weight mindless at home knitting project, now that those blankets are done. I should learn how to knit backwards with this project, but I don’t really mind turning all that much.