Yarny Pursuits

I’ve been meaning to post more about knitting projects here, but I tend to be so busy that I rarely remember to document what I’ve done. But here is some holiday related knitting!

Recent Knitting Projects

What we have here are a couple simple mistake rib scarves for my kids, the orange and blue objects. This is yarn that they picked out at my LYS when they announced that they wanted to knit. I figured they would try it out a little bit and lose interest and I would just end up making something for them with the yarn that they chose, and that is exactly what happened. Unfortunately I wasn’t paying attention to the yarn they were grabbing and they ended up picking out a wool mohair blend. I’m slightly allergic to mohair, but I managed to tough it out and make the scarves.

There’s also a grey slouchy hat that is a gift for someone in a Secret Santa exchange. The red wrap in the background is a project that I’m trying to finish in the next few days.

My husband was nice and took me yarn shopping on the last day of Hanukkah to Fine Points here in Ohio. There is a bunch of yarn crammed into a small space in the store. There were some novelty yarns, but also habu kits, Rowan, Jo Sharp, Noro, Madelinetosh, Debbie Bliss, Alchemy, and a ton of Claudia Hand Painted yarn. This is what I got:


A couple skeins of Tosh Chunky in Black Current. I have some sort of problem with Madelinetosh and purples, in that I have a hard time not buying it. One Zauberball in a mix of greens and black. Also, a couple skeins of Koigu. Overall a very nice unexpected last day of Hanukkah present!