I decided to fold my knitting blog in back over here, since I don’t tend to update it frequently enough to warrant a standalone blog.
Here’s what I’ve knit recently:
It is a linen stitch scarf for me and a palindrome scarf for my husband. I learned to do cables for the palindrome scarf. I feel like I’ve wasted a lot of time by not learning how to do cables before, since they are so simple! I also feel semi-virtuous about these projects because they were mostly stash. I bought one skein of koigu to go with the purple and yellow skeins I had already, and the palindrome scarf was made with around 5.5 balls of Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran tweed I got on sale at elann a long time ago. I used the reccomended needle size for the palindrome scarf, and it ended up a little bit on the loose side. Still, it is long enough to be looped around the neck twice so I think it will still be warm.
In yarn acquisition news I have unfortunately succumbed to the siren call of Wollmeise:
I’m going to make a daybreak out of the yarn in balls on the end, but I have another shawl to finish up first. I cast on for a basic wool peddler’s shawl in one of the delightfully gothic Socks That Rock raven clan colorways and am trying to be disciplined about finishing that before starting a new project. One of these days I need to make some more socks. I’m thinking that one of the purple skeins of Wollmeise might make a good pair of monkeys.