Boomerang Manga Series

I was thinking recently about series that I initially am less than enthused about so I give away or swap the books. Then after a period of time I decide to give the manga another chance and really regret getting rid of volumes I originally bought. For me the series I’m thinking about trying to acquire again are:

From Far Away: I think I bought the first five volumes of this magical girl fantasy series with 1980s era art and got rid of them before one of my cross country moves. I ended up finishing reading the series by checking volumes out of the library or browsing in bookstores. I bought the last volume to see how it concluded. Now I wish I owned more volumes than I do.

Please Save My Earth: Since most of this series is out of print, I’m probably out of luck. I think I read the first 6 volumes and donated them to the local public library because I was getting impatient with the glacial pace of the plot development in the series. Still, many people whose opinions I respect love this series, and I suspect I’d have liked it more if I was reading it in chunks of several volumes at a time.

Saiyuki: This I actually have a decent chance of rereading because even though I stalled out on buying the volumes when they came out, I still have all but the 9th volume of the first series and I was able to pick up 5 volumes of Reload on So I’ll definitely revisit this manga.

Love Com: Got the first couple volumes, wasn’t sure if I wanted to start collecting a 17 volume shoujo series, even if it did seem quite charming.

Do you have any manga that you regret getting rid of?