Manga ordering for Feburary

Here’s what I’m thinking of getting based on Feburary’s Previews:

Viz – As usual, Viz is getting most of my money.

Fullmetal Alchemist #18
High School Debut #9
Nana #16
Otomen #2 – Why must I wait so long to get another volume of this series?!
Sand Chronicles #5
Skip Beat #16
We Were There #4 – I don’t think I ordered #2 and 3 of this series. That’s one of the problems with ordering manga so far in advance, it is sometimes tricky to figure out which series I’m going to want to follow.


Name of the Flower #2
Lapis Lazuli Crown #1 – Teenage girl with super powers in a fantasy kingdom? This sounds like it is right up my alley. The cover art looks very cute.


Starman Omnibus #3 – My one non-manga purchase for this order. I managed to totally miss Starman when it was originally coming out, and I’m glad that I can collect the series now through these very nice new editions.

If I had more money I would also get:

Oishinbo #3 – I expect that this volume about ramen and gyoza will be captivating.
Pluto #3
Momo Tama #2 – The first volume was a little uneven, but got better towards the end of the volume. So I’ll be interested to see how the series progresses.
Black Jack #5 – I’m pretty sure I will regret not ordering this, but I will likely pick it up later.
Orange Planet #1 – I was a little curious about this new series from Del Rey, but will wait to see what it looks like.

What are you getting?