library comics

Beaucoupkevin points out that the next project from Scott Pilgrim creator Bryan Lee O’Malley is Street Stupid, “a teen comedy about two sisters (who hate each other) who discover a secret society in their local library. The society has dedicated itself to using learning for evil. They want to destroy California (where they all live) because California is the center of entertainment, and entertainment makes people happy, and the goal of evil is to make people unhappy. So, it all sort of makes sense.”

I haven’t read Scott Pilgrim yet (don’t judge me, I know it is supposed to be awesome, but I have limited funds) but I am psyched to hear about a comic featuring a secret society that meets in a local library. Surely that would be putting a library’s meeting rooms to good use!

So along with Rex Libris, that makes two upcoming comic titles set in libraries. Perhaps librarians really are the next zombies/monkeys/pirates/ninjas.