Category Archives: wordpress

bits and pieces

I upgraded the knitting blog to the new version of wordpress and didn’t run into any major problems, except I accidently deleted the stylesheet I’d been using for the site and my RSS feeds started 404ing. The fix for the feed issue is described here, and the fixed header file is here. I’m probably going to take a few days to play around with wordpress 1.5 on the knitting blog before upgrading this site. I do have a sense that the new version is uber-nifty but I haven’t taken the time to explore all the features. I don’t mind the new look of the dashboard, but I’m going to wait to upgrade the wordpress blog we use at work for a little bit. I think that all the ongoing information about wordpress development displayed on the dashboard (the first screen you see after you login to the blog) would be a bit distracting for librarians who just need to login, make a quick note about an issue, and logout. So I’m hoping I’ll be able to customize or simplify the dashboard for the work blog. It looks like someone’s already written a plugin to repress the feeds from displaying.

Over at the wiki, the first instance of spam happened when I was on vacation. You can see what happened in the history page for fantasy comics that was vandalized. I was really curious how long it would take for someone to spam the wiki if I didn’t have many controls on who could edit the page. It didn’t take that long, and I was able to quickly restore the old version of the page. I might go back and make some of the pages alterable only by registered users. A couple people other than me and Nat (Look at Nat’s martial arts movie collection! It reminds me I should watch some Sonny Chiba movies) have been experimenting with the site, and once more of the structure of the wiki is in place, I hope to start posting more original reviews, and have other people post their own reviews as well.

category feeds!

I’ve known that wordpress supports category feeds, but I haven’t taken the time before now to actually figure out where they were. All you need to do is add a ?cat=# of category to the base url for any wordpress feed. So! If you only want to subscribe to the section where I talk about libraries, the feeds are:

Library Category Feed RSS:
Library Category Feed ATOM:

Or if you just want to know when I’m geeking out about anime and manga:

Anime and Manga RSS:
Anime and Manga ATOM:

Or Comics:

Comics Category Feed RSS:
Comics Category Feed ATOM:

I think all of those should work, but if you try one of them out and run into any problems, let me know. I’m going to try to incorporate links to the category feeds in the sidebar eventually.


I’ve installed a plugin that will close comments on older posts, I started getting hit by spam and this was the quickest fix. If you have a comment on an older post, e-mail me and I’ll include it. Hopefully when I have more time to investigate all the wordpress plugins for comment spam, I’ll switch to a different solution that will let me open up the comments again.


Just testing things out with the latest version of wordpress. I’ve been under constant attack from comment spammers (the way wordpress works, none of it has actually shown up on the site, it just gets held in a moderation area for me to delete) so I imagine I’ll be installing some anti-comment spam plugins soon.

wordpress for dummies

I think I’m going to start blogging a bit about wordpress and what I’m going to do to start tweaking this site a bit. WordPress is really easy to use (I’ve set up 3 wordpress blogs and only ran into trouble when I was attempting to republish the individual entries from my old movable type blog as redirects) but some of the documentation is slightly less than robust at first glance, especially for someone with minimal knowledge of php. Like, I’d like to be able to display my blog tagline, but when I head over to the wiki I get this, which is semi-informative but I need to tweak the css for the site some, so I will try to do that soon and post what I do.

My links on the left are random now. Hit refresh and see! I like it.