odds and ends

MangaBlog continues to do a great job gathering together all the stories about the removal of Manga: Sixty Years of Japanese Comics from the San Bernardino County Library system. I’m surprised that so far we haven’t seen any commentary from library oriented publications about the removal process, which seems a little irregular to me. Well, the whole story will be a great reason to feature the book in displays for Banned Books Week. I haven’t read the book yet, but I want to.

I have to drive out to UMass Amherst for a work thing tomorrow. I’m not looking forward to my day being bracketed by a 2 hour drive. Is anyone else going to the ACRL NEC conference?

Next week is my last full week of work. After what feels like months of slow packing, there are actually empty spots on my bookshelves. Now I need to finish packing the books and start working on packing everything else!