What else could I buy with my ALA membership fees?

Well, it is that time of year again! Time to renew my ALA membership. It lapsed in October, but I haven’t renewed it yet because earlier this month I decided I wanted to buy a bus pass and food instead of writing out a check to ALA for $160.00 (Basic membership fees + ACRL + LIRT). I am amazed yet again that even though every year I fill out the form to make changes to my membership codes, ALA still lists me as being a library school student. They still charge me the full price for membership though!

So every year I like to play the game, “What else could I buy with my ALA membership fees?”

$160 could get me:

An expensive Hanne Falkenberg sweater kit
The Box Set for Last Exile
These Fluevog Boots
12 volumes of Fruits Basket
5 copies of We Love Katamari