Data Entry Obsession

Well, in a very sad cataloging frenzy I entered in my entire graphic novel/manga collection into LibraryThing. It was easier to start with this subset of my collection because I think my graphic novel to regular book ratio is about 1:3 or 1:4. There might be a stray volume here or there, but I think I picked up almost everything. The numbers of manga and graphic novels were about what I would have predicted – I’ve got 114 graphic novels, and 205 volumes of manga. My buying habits have really shifted over the past three years. I used to buy more graphic novels, but now it is fairly rare for me to purchase one. I probably buy a minimum of 5 volumes of manga a month now (but I never pay full retail price!!!).

Now I’m wondering about entering in the rest of my personal library. It might be a good weeding mechanism, if I force myself to think about how much I want to keep a book before adding it to LibraryThing.