manga news

So, Full Metal Alchemist is ending up on regular bestseller lists. I don’t have my copy yet, but I did order it. I’m curious to see how similar the original manga is to the anime adaptation.

What is up with CMX? The editor resigned, and many people view it as a nonentity in the manga publishing field. I’ve given a few CMX titles a try, and some of the things like poor cover design and paper that feels icky do bug me a little. The only title that I’ve stuck with past one issue is Land of the Blindfolded. At first I thought with titles like Swan and From Eroica With Love CMX was going to carve out a niche by printing manga from previous decades. Man, I’d love it if someone decided to publish Rose of Versailles. But even Land of the Blindfolded is starting to make me a bit weary, as some of the plot elements that I thought were signaling an ongoing storyline that were present in volume 2 weren’t developed in volume 3. I’m not dropping it yet, but some of the potential that I saw in volume 1 isn’t being developed.