Inside Higher Ed and the Chronicle

I blogged a bit about the new Inside Higher Ed site before, and I was surprised to see a comment on my old post from the editor of the Chronicle explaining that the Chronicle isn’t offering less free content than in the past. It was really the vanishing of the Site Sampler link and not seeing any featured articles on the free page of the Chronicle that led me to believe that there was less free content on the site, I still think that was a reasonable assumption. I wasn’t trying to diss the Chronicle, but I miss the old Site Sampler section. And if I’m hanging out at home on a Sunday morning I’m more likely to turn to Inside Higher Ed for a news fix, because the content is free and they tend to feature interesting blogs from people in academia. But that’s just me, I’m not the type of person who would subscribe to the Chronicle as an individual subscriber, because I am more likely to spend $80 on yarn or buying 8 volumes of Fruits Basket. This is why I’m not a professor or a highly placed person in academia!!!!!