cheap manga and graphic novels

Yowza, Shawn Fumo posted about rumors of Comics One’s possible impending demise and pointed to this site, which seems to be liquidating a bunch of Comics One manga.

I’m getting a few issues of Joan and buying Iron Wok Jan, which I have heard wonderful things about. Or maybe not, they have VERY high shipping charges.

I also didn’t realize that sold graphic novels, but they do. They have many Hellboy graphic novels and discounted DC Archive edition hardbacks. They also have a bunch of manga, but I think you have to search for it by title instead of browsing through the graphic novel section of the site. I don’t know why “Mai the Psychic Girl” would be put in the category of non-fiction. The manga discounts overall on overstock aren’t that great for the most part, things are usually just a dollar off or so. They do have Twelve Kingdoms dvds for $20, which I am NOT buying for myself because I do have SOME self-control. See? Not buying the DVDs!!!!